05-24-2008 12:30:31
Re: Which One?? 9N or 8N??? in reply to BuffDaddy, 05-23-2008 20:24:19
Lots of good advice. Those 2N,9N,8N are the most over rated and of least use to anybody I've ever seen. Most dangerous too. Have a look at the stats of which model of tractor is laying on top of it's driver. If it doesn't have live pto, remote rear hydraulics, a real drawbar,decent brakes and stability. Leave it for for some fool and their money. With the extreme high price of scrape steel, the demand for used equipment so small acreage owners could throw in a quick crop of wheat or corn with this years prices. Yet the downturn in the manufacturing sectors . You can walk into a dealership and drive home something new with warranty, modern features, safety equipment and no previous abuse. For little more than finding a 20+ year old machine and repair age, accident normal wear & tear items. I purchased a name brand early 1980's tractor & loader a couple of years ago. After the clutch, alternator, all hydraulic hoses, rotten rims from calcium, all tires/tubes,seat, and minor repairs to little odds and ends everywhere. I did almost all the work myself, not even counting my time. With parts, fuel to run for parts and the purchase price paid. I'm within a couple of paycheques of a new 2008 tractor in expenses. And what do I have? A fixed up 1980 tractor for almost the price of a new 2008 tractor. Duh was I ever short sighted the day I made that purchase.