05-25-2008 10:51:50
Re: Consevation? How about Drilling? in reply to IndianaRed, 05-25-2008 09:54:53
The Vietnam War was because of Robert McNamara and the military/industrial complex.I lived then,I know how it affected things.Communism was the propaganda,but the real reason was oil.Look it up yourself,lots of drilling of oil wells over in Vietnam now that its communist.Your statements have a kernal of truth,our way is better than communism,but this country is being dragged into communism,just a different approach is being used.Before I waste 30 minutes trying to set you straight,I will see what you say. I suppose you think that if the oil companies drill Anwar things will get better?I told you the same crooks,oil,corporations,communists,some Senators name of Rockefeller,other counties.and just a bunch of evil,own both sides of the argument.Rich folks that live on the coast hire crooks to stir things up about"environmental"issues,the same people have lots of stock in oil companies,might even own oil companies,they also own the TV station,radio station,newspapers,and you name it,conglomo owns it all,and your argument of its the left.and the military/industrial complex is doing things in your best interest,when they want your money,your kids to fight their war,and all selling you out more every day.Your sucking up,to people with the sir crap is disgusting,but it says who you are,stupid. Im not miserable,or even anywhere close to it.I think our kids growing up need a future,and this constant thievery of everything people fought and died for being trampled,and abused,and wasted,so a few greedy hogs can be rich off of the backs of the poor is not going to get it anymore than it ever did.It is evil,and its turning everybody evil,next you will see the murder rate skyrocketing,more crime,people starving,and less freedom because your military/industrial complex is like you,wrong.Happy Memorial Day!