Trg WY
12-09-2008 15:00:36
Sorry for long post but thought some would enjoy reading something cheerful. Should have posted earlier but oh well, when my wife bought her Grandpa's river farm land (with my help too) it was with the understanding we would allow hunting with permission (I insisted). As I grew up knocking on doors and asking permission to hunt, rarely turned down. Well, the Friday after Thanksgiving we were visiting her folks who own 30 acres next to the 220 of ours along both sides of the bighorn river near Basin. So we stay up there quite a bit in our camper. Anyway she got a call from a hunter who had asked a few days earlier from her folks who referred him to us. She looked at me as she was talking and asked me if it was ok. Well, I gave her the nod. But I did ask what time he planned to hunt so I wouldn't take the dogs on a walk and screw up his hunting. I was told in the morning. Ok, I would wait, besides we had 5 ton of hay to unload and stack by the feed bunks. As we went to unload the hay I did notice a strange vehicle parked by the gate and guessed it was the hunter. We started unloading the hay and from time to time ducks and geese were coming off the river, flying around in short circles, no shooting though. hmm, he's moving some birds. We were about 1/3 of the way with the hay stacking when a camoflaged hunter came up over the hill and over to us. He politely thanked us for letting him hunt. He carefully unloaded his shotgun before leaning it against a feed bunk and then climbed over to help us unload and stack hay. I couldn't believe it and told him he didn't have to do that. Well, he insisted and really helped. I asked him if he got any but he said they were as little as 18 to 25 feet away but he held his fire since they were over water. He did have a dog but not with him. I told them he should have brought him. But he thought his dog might not be accepted but I said dogs are welcome too. He went on and on how nice the land was and the cranes, geese, ducks, and pheasants, and deer he observed. And how refreshing it was being from the city and thanked us profusely. He mentioned that he asked both sides of our place and was turned down repeatedly. From the guy who bought both the farms on both sides of us and locked it up and doesn't even farm it or run cows. Thats why Grandpa refused to sell it to him even though he offered Grandpa 120 thousand more than the price he set for us of 200k with a handshake and I told Grandpa that I wouldn't feel bad if he took the higher price, Grandpa said no, that sob wont even run a cow, but Grandpa died when we were in the middle of financing it at his price then continuing with Grandma but then she died three months after Grandpa did then a aunt executor of estate reduced the price to us with the permission of all 5 kids in the estate to 180k without being asked since they were tickled that 1 grandkid (my wife) out of 15 was wanting it and that it would stay in the family and not go to the rich guy buying up all the river frontage.Here I am tied up to a family that does things with handshakes, or by word no matter what and turns down more money from inheritance. And thats how I wound up with a 220 acre brushpile and around 25acres of hay and 9 cows, 1 bull, some old tractors of various makes and alot of work. Now, we don't seem to have lots of money left over as my wife and I work near Casper and only go up there on holidays and weekends and at age 50 have a mortage again (farm) and truck payment. But what the hell. There was a 3 and 1/2 week period last year when I didn't owe nobody anything moneywise, was the best 3 1/2 weeks of my life but back to the hunter, he was very grateful to be allowed to hunt while visiting his inlaws in the area. He saw a real nice buck and he has permission of course to drill one. Anyway, I felt good letting kids and guys like him hunt. I felt like I hoped the farmers did when they gave permission to a certain freckled face young kid who was careful never to shoot toward cows or buildings and machinery so many years ago. He thanked us again and again before he left. That Sunday, we were in the fil's house visiting when the dogs started to bark. Its that hunter again my mil said looking out the window. Well, He came in the house with a package of a fresh killed,cleaned, plucked, and singed Canada Goose wrapped up in a vacumned pack. He went hunting with some friends over a grain field pit over his decoys somewhere else. But he remembered I mentioned I had hoped he would have got a extra one for me from the ones he was moving a few days earlier. Now I got a Christmas Goose and a freezer full of elk my bil's girl shot since I didn't draw.So I'm good to go.(I couldn't wait and cooked it last night though, yum). Now it was my turn to thank him back. In this day of hunters bad rap of manners it sure was a pleasure meeting one like I grew up. Manner's and new friends. I told him he and his are welcome at my fire anytime. He's also a fireman. I expect that someday maybe he and his son or daughter may do some deer hunting along a certain river farm uhhh brush pile. Do any of you guys run into people like him? or is it just me? I know there is some bad stories out there but must be good ones too. trg Wy