I do agree with you. However.... Feb is a dern foolish time to be doing the switchover. One likely has to go up on the roof & mess with the antennea. Or cable. Or new bigger antennea. Or add a pivot, or booster. Or forget all that & get Dish/ Direct TV. NONE of which is a good idea to be doing in winter when no leaves are on the trees and lots of snow & ice is on the roof. A real dunderhead picked February for the switch. One of the early summer months is a _much_ better thing, and on that basis alone I like pushing it back some. But I sure agree with you, for those who don't know about it they won't be ready whenever it happens. I wish the experts could answer some expert questions. Local repeater UHF stations still can run analog for several years, they don't address that much. Currently many TV stations are running 1/2 power, and running on UHF channels - they will switch back to VHF and no one tells us what power level in Feb (or whenever....). So how can we set up our antennea, boosters, etc when we don't really know what type of signal we will recieve, how strong it will be, etc? They talk about one converter box needed per TV if on antennea, but they ignore VHS taping.... You'll need a box of it also, or you won't be able to tape one channel while watching another - Oops did we forget to tell you all that???? And other stuff. All I hear from the experts is, if you have rabbit ears you might need a better antennea. Well, what if we already are starting with one on top of the roof, where do we go from there? How about addressing the more complicated details of all this? And don't do it in the middle of winter fer crying out loud! --->Paul