j heitkemper
03-12-2009 19:56:38
Re: anyone hear about ammo price hikes in reply to Goose, 03-12-2009 19:30:37
gov'met is skeered to take your guns now , cause they know they ALL will get shot,,.,, the unwritten libby GAME plan is to raise all ammo prices and register shells and have account sheet for each one fired ,,Kinda like Navy does torpedoes ,,ATF guys come visit twice a year to inspect books , ammo cabinets , guns ,YOUR HOUSE ,,, anything not in order to their constant changing rules will make you Guilty of a Federal felony Crime , Ignorance of the LAW is NO EXCUSE !! ,,Stiff JAIL term , marked for life as a survivalist ZEALOT, Long term probation and reEducation Class ,,blacklisted from ever holding a gov'met job or serving in Public Office , and consquently shooting your chances of ever becoming a much Heralded WALMART Greeter , Much less play SANTA CLAUSE for the kids ,, Lot of Guys Just will not lay down their Arms instead of face these new rules ,, and a few ATF and State police , Sheriffs Dept will have battles to fight ,, RAMPANT Cival unrest and capitulation responses , THus MAKING THE CASE THAT ALL GUNS be confiscated and destroyed !!!!.. MORAL of this HORROR story ,. in SO MANY WORDS .A goverment that will promise to give you everything Is Big enuf to take everything away from You ,, including all YOUR RIGHTS, SLAVE !