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Tractor Talk Discussion Forum

buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC

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Wild Bill Caldw

03-25-2009 12:01:49

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b@d Seems like every time I post You are gonna jump on anything I write with Your cheap shots and snide comments (regardin' Elec cars)...Ask Yourself Sir, "what is it about Wild Bill Caldwell that gets Your panties in such a wad". And Sir, it is hard to take anyone serious that writes anom. Use you real name or are You afraid to sign Your writein'???Anomymity can be handy at times for the &&&&&. Sir You make a very foolish assumption that I am hung up on 5th wheels ( foolish people make foolish assumptions)I put the thoughts and ideas out to start the thinkin',Obviously You have no room for thoughts and ideas You disagree with..Must be wonderful to be so right all the time. You accuse Me of leadin' people , of creatin' false hope..W. T. H.???? Sir,granted I was once a young platoon leader in another time, were You in My platoon I would have done My best to have shipped You out soon as possible. Sir , You do realise the trouble We are in concernin' energy...WHAT ARE YOUR IDEAS AND SOLOUTIONS???
RN...hard to take You serious...You gonna draft a semi?????Back in 1976/77 when I had a PETE with a 600 Comealong, 5x4...say I was on eye 20 haulin' a D 7 at 80 plus , I would have had some fun should You have tried to draft Me...Sir You try to discredit Rocky Gibbs, Bring Your 300H&H to My shop and range loaded with what ever powder You choose...I'll wager My 308/3200 WB Based on a 280 remmie will outrun Your 300H&H and is more accurate ...You win the wager it will be well worth Your time

Mel..It is nice You mention the great Smokey Yunich....Combat Bomber pilot...raced at Indy...Possibly first Heli Arc...Nemesis to France Sr....So many things....How do You know Smokey wasn't workin on mileage carburation???? With all respect Sir , do You have acsess to His notes and writein's

Wild Bill

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Jim Johnson

03-25-2009 19:44:28

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 12:01:49  
I just check in here every now and again to make sure most of you are still idiots. Thanks


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03-25-2009 18:28:35

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 I think it's the attitude???? in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 12:01:49  
First off the bat this is going to everyone.

Lot"s of people come on this forum to get away from their everyday life for awhile. I can"t for the life of me understand why so many people want to get their kicks making snide remarks and just plain being mean to a guy who has an IDEA?? I"ve read all of the post from all three topics, the guy is not married to the IDEA it"s just that, an IDEA. Of course perpetual motion can"t happen!!! Not everybody is versed in basic science. Instead of ripping the guy explain the error in thinking but DO IT IN A NICE WAY!!!!

Sometimes the pursuit of impossible ideas leads to actually useful stuff. Maybe the 5th wheel camper could use regenerative braking to charge the on board batteries that supply the lights when the generator is not hooked up????? I"m sure someone will come on here and tell me how dumb I am for suggesting that and why it won"t work, whoever does it make sure you insult my intelligence and call me a name. "Course they wont have a better idea, probably talk trash about my spelling too. This whole entire county has forgot what it means to have an idea and to be neighborly. Nobody wants to think, they want to complain and throw rocks at other people cause it makes them feel good and it requires very little work.

I lurk here a whole more than I post, I got started on the site several years ago cause it was relaxing. Lately every time I log on I get torqued off at the total lack of respect for other people. Bet this site has lost a lot of lurkers and regulars cause of this junk. Oh well

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j heitkemper

03-25-2009 20:27:11

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 Re: I think it's the attitude???? in reply to Peabo, 03-25-2009 18:28:35  
AGREED ,,,Instead of giving people the Fuss ,, google the Pogue carburator ...that powered the AMERICAN tanks that defeated Desert FOX Rommel in WW2. IT Used very little fuel .Rommels'ran outa GAS !..... while you are at it ,, Go to Bourke Engine and Study it ,Some of you guys are smart enuf to make these concepts work ,, And THE WORLD will thank You !,..AND WE ALL WILL HAVE CLEANER AIR ..... ... it is the Absense of God that allows EVIL to Prevail.. So GET To It and DO SOME GOOD !

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03-25-2009 20:05:59

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  think it's the attitude???? in reply to Peabo, 03-25-2009 18:28:35  

The 5th wheel idea presented by our resident "Crackpotus Americanus" is not a 5th wheel trailer. CA wants to drag this 5th wheel behind the vehicle and drive at all times a permanent magnet generator. With the belief that the dragged generator will make more power than what it requires to drag it. Now but..... ..... ... If this 5th wheel is used exactly the way the clueless engineers do with the hybrid vehicles. Where the generator is used only when the vehicle is requiring braking. Then yes a portion of the vehicles kinetic energy can be converted to mechanical, electrical then stored as potential chemical energy in a battery. This post shows the sad state of the western education system. If Japanese junior school students were to read CA's and trucker40's remarks.They would giggle then laught at the fat stupid westerners.

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Traditional Farmer

03-25-2009 19:21:32

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 Re: I think it's the attitude???? in reply to Peabo, 03-25-2009 18:28:35  
Are you kidding? Man they can't make up stuff and characters like this on TV.Sit back,chill out and enjoy the show!

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03-25-2009 17:04:29

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 12:01:49  
Enough other posters have listed two of my three given names by now even you could find it. However I'm not going to say very much about the middle initial "M". If you want a contest, come on out for a game of hockey. I just took the game up after 35 years absence. 5 games so far, the middle aged women in the league say I'm going ok. Or show up at the NY expo next July. I'll bring some 8 year old cheddar which will be more than your match.

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03-25-2009 16:51:02

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 12:01:49  
Wild Bill,

You ask why an engineer would not have any patience for perpetual motion kooks. One reason is that you guys have spent exactly zero time trying to understand the principles that you're so quick to dismiss. If you want to be treated as a equal, try this: Sit through two or three college-level thermodynamics courses. Of course you'll first have to take a couple of years of calculus prerequisites before you can take the thermo. Better yet, after you've done your college work, spend a lifetime putting your thermo knowledge to practical application. Do that, and maybe someone will listen when you say it's all bunk.

It doesn't help your case that your posts are filled with the bizarre capitalization, punctuation and sentence structure that are the earmarks of Crackpotus americanus. (A species that, unfortunately, is not endangered.) Why is it that you kooks all use the same goofy grammar? You must have all read the same book: How to Write So You Sound Like a Complete Lunatic.

You reference Nicola Tesla, but Tesla was a trained engineer and understood thermodynamics very well. Tesla combined an almost innate understanding of physics with a spark of inspiration that allowed him to find practical applications to his scientific knowledge. He did not ignore physics, but rather exploited it. His most lasting legacy, polyphase power, isn't based on black magic or crackpot theories, but rather sound engineering principles.

That said, I do enjoy these discussions between the perpetual motion kooks and the engineers. No doubt Minnesota Joe will chime in any minute with his theories about Satan Claus.

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Wild Bill Caldwell

03-25-2009 18:26:04

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to MarkB_MI, 03-25-2009 16:51:02  
MarkB...The day I start carein' about whetever I 'm treated as an equal by an engineer of Your kind will be the day the HINGES on HELL FREEZE...But that is exactly what I've come to expect from egotistical engineers..... While You were wastein' time in thermodyamics and calculus class, ridein' on Your fathers money, lots of Us were usein' trig to lay out the buildin's You so poorly engineer, workin' hard for our money.....Some of us were learnin' to stick weld pipe uphill in the 6 G position, workin' hard for Our money...I could go on but I doubt a BLIND, DUMB, STUPID engineer would ever see the light....You take the cake, You Say " TREATED AS AN EQUAL" I doubt many of the "HANDS" on here are concerned in the least what an engineer thinks of them

Wild Bill

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03-25-2009 20:26:54

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 18:26:04  
Well, I have only a high school education. Does that make me more to your liking? :)

Electric generators are not real efficient. Like an alternator - they waste a lot of energy as heat.

You drag one on a wheel, and it will use energy to do so. Makes sense, right? Gotta put energy into the wheel to make it go around, to make the alternator go around?

So, you lose energy doing this while you are powering the car to go forward.

The only time you can gain any power is when you are trying to slow the car. Then any energy the alternator makes will also be slowing the car down. Won't heat the brakes quite as much, will power up the alternator some.

But here's the rub: You need to carry the extra wheel, alternator, and control devices with you all the time. So your car will weigh more. A heavier car takes more fuel to drive around.

And, braking is a big use of energy - you need a pretty big alternator & big power cables & such to capture a whole lot of energy in a short period of time. The nature of braking - a little whimpy alternator or generator won't do it - needs to be big & beefy.

So, the contraption will be kinda heavy.

Now, the question is, will you capture enough energy back into a battery while braking, to make up for the extra energy you need to get moving again with the extra weight of the alternator & all the controls & such?

Will the thing give you more back than what it uses while riding along?

A whole lot of research has been done on this in electric & hybred vehicles, and some use it. But it is not easy, or free, energy. You really have to design it out carefully, and it only gives back a tiny little bit more than it uses.

Make sense? If not, why not? What part do you disagree with?


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03-25-2009 20:14:32

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 18:26:04  
Hmm, seems I touched a nerve. So your problem isn't so much Mr. B&D, but engineers in general.

For the record, I worked my way through college, and I constructed plenty of buildings in the process. I can't say I ever learned to weld overhead, but I sure never looked down on a welder.

Good luck with your perpetual motion machine. Guys have been trying to build one for a few hundred years, maybe you'll be the one to pull it off.

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03-25-2009 20:13:35

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 bitter? in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 18:26:04  
So CA. You are harboring some bitterness in your life? You don't like "working harder" than others and yet make "less". I saved my money and put myself through school. Instead of spending everything I made, then having to drop out of school and marry the knocked up girlfriend. And take a Joe Job that doesn't require a high school diploma. Just for the record I work hands on nuclear reactors, fueling machines and non destructive inspection equipment.

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03-25-2009 19:15:00

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 18:26:04  
Easy Bill, you're beginning to foam at the mouth

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MN Joe

03-25-2009 14:41:09

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 12:01:49  
Hey Wild Bill ===> Looks to me like you have many many Enemies on this forum,,, and I thought you where just ragging on me for a minute,,,, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha,,,, too bad for you ....MN JOE

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03-25-2009 14:38:38

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 12:01:49  
WHY jump on BUICK?

What you are proposing is, more or less, a type of perpetual motion machine, and those are usually thought of in the realm of crackpots.

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Hugh MacKay

03-25-2009 14:26:59

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 12:01:49  
Bill: I'm not going to join the dispute, as I have little interest in the subject.

buickanddeere has been around here for 10 years plus, I've known who he is for at least eight of those years as have many other folks. He's not some fly by nighter that posts every 18 months, just taking wild stabs at folks. For the most part he knows his stuff, little heavy on Deere but we can't fault him for that. All around good discussion man. I have to think you're over reacting.

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Old Roy

03-25-2009 14:05:22

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 Re: buickand deere ....This may be what you need in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 12:01:49  
You May find this interesting, Please read

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03-25-2009 13:42:13

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 12:01:49  
I guess I never saw the 5th wheel thread? Only just now looked at the elcetric tractor one.

Where is Nomad from Turkey, he would love these threads? :)

Anyhow, how would a 5th wheel trailer hitch help your Jeep pull more efficiently? Missed that one.


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03-25-2009 16:46:25

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to paul, 03-25-2009 13:42:13  
I guess the thread got poofed..... .....not 'that' kind of 5th wheel. An automobile being a 4-wheeler, the 5th wheel is an additional/roll on the ground/tag-along wheel with an energy generating device attached to gather some of the 'free' energy that's going to waste.

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03-25-2009 18:16:36

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to thurlow, 03-25-2009 16:46:25  
Ah - like the fella that was going to get cheap energy by hooking up a bunch of alternators to a 5hp gasoline engine, and put out several Kwatts of power.

He knew it would work, because he could spin the alternators by hand, so they did not take much power to turn.

I think of that thread from a few years ago every once in a while.... ;)

Yea, the 5th wheel thing works - if you don't add more weight & drain power with a 5th wheel. You just need to use electric motors, and while braking use that force to recharge the batteries with the 'waste' power from braking. However, those circuts add weight & expense to the vehicle, which makes it less efficent when you are not braking. Ends up a real small payoff.

A 5th wheel, eh? That's good. Maybe it could spin the alternators.....


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03-25-2009 13:36:35

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 12:01:49  
At least he's only whacking you on here and is probably a LONG ways away. I sent that post of mine from a few weeks ago about GM to the local paper. They printed it. You have to include your full name and town to have a letter printed. Well...day before yesterday,I get a letter in the mail. Envelope is hand printed,no return address. Letter is printed the same way on a torn piece of paper. Looked like a ransom note. Whoever it was not only knows where I live,but what I do for a living. Way to close to home. Worthless jackbooted brown shirt Nazi youth can't take an opposing opinion.

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Tramway Guy

03-25-2009 13:28:29

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 12:01:49  
If we ran steel wheels, we would have a lot less rolling resistance; however I doubt anyone would put up with it for long!

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Gerald J.

03-25-2009 15:21:53

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Tramway Guy, 03-25-2009 13:28:29  
Actually the farm world discovered in the mid 30s that rubber tired tractors did more work on less fuel that steel wheeled tractors. Hence the changes from rigid tires to flexible tires.

Gerald J.

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Old Roy

03-25-2009 13:21:56

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 12:01:49  
This is a feeble attempt to say Why your original post of the fifth wheel, and I'll say "MAY" not work to save fuel.

If an engine looses say 3 hp to run an alternator in the end it wouldn't matter what or how it is driven will still require 3 Hp

Now if you were thinking as a friction Motor system that a wheel could be lifted of the ground at stop signs and drop again as the vehicle picks speed to 5th wheel speed the electronics, Hydraulic system would be way out of my league to figure out.

I'll never say things can't be done Because a C 130 military plane according to aerodynamics Is impossible to fly.

Eisenstein had the same criticism as you but, Went on past all his criticizers and proved his worth. It's too easy to have a dream and not go for it. So If you feel it will work,keep trying.

I saw a saying on another forum a guy uses.

"I never Fail I just found 10,000 ways it don't work"

Encouragement, or not your efforts are not for vain. If it won't work you still can try something else.

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03-25-2009 15:45:52

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Old Roy, 03-25-2009 13:21:56  
I thought it was the C-119 Boxcar that wasn't supposed to be able to fly. The only thing that kept those suckers in the air was the two R-3350's. Otherwise, they had a glide path like a rock.

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Jim SC

03-25-2009 13:20:50

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 12:01:49  
For a minute there, I thought I was in a tractor talk forum.

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03-25-2009 13:09:17

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 12:01:49  
You are cute and amusing when you are angry. Don’t make a lot of sense but that's part of the fun.
You should not however be preaching lies and myths concerning well know and proven facts. It confuses people, causes suspicion and hard feeling where none are warranted.
You may like feeling of being the UnderDog who hasn't been fooled like the 99.999% of society. Problem is your "Holy Grail" of perpetual motion is false. You must also believe that you can cool the room by leaving the refrigerator door open as well. What do your military and shooting exploits have to do with dragging a 5th wheel generator behind your vehicle. And thinking the generator will in steady state make power than the engine driving the car?

Zeroth law
Zeroth law of thermodynamics
If two thermodynamic systems are each in thermal equilibrium with a third, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other.
When two systems are put in contact with each other, there will be a net exchange of energy between them unless or until they are in thermal equilibrium, that is, they are at the same temperature. While this is a fundamental concept of thermodynamics, the need to state it explicitly as a law was not perceived until the first third of the 20th century, long after the first three laws were already widely in use, hence the zero numbering. The Zeroth Law asserts that thermal equilibrium, viewed as a binary relation, is an equivalence relation.

First Law of Thermodynamics
The first law of thermodynamics is often called the Law of Conservation of Energy. This law suggests that energy can be transferred from one system to another in many forms. Also, it can not be created or destroyed. Thus, the total amount of energy available in the Universe is constant. Einstein's famous equation (written below) describes the relationship between energy and matter:
E = mc2 In the equation above, energy (E) is equal to matter (m) times the square of a constant (c). Einstein suggested that energy and matter are interchangeable. His equation also suggests that the quantity of energy and matter in the Universe is fixed.

Second Law of Thermodynamics
Heat cannot be transfer from a colder to a hotter body. As a result of this fact of thermodynamics, natural processes that involve energy transfer must have one direction, and all natural processes are irreversible. This law also predicts that the entropy of an isolated system always increases with time. Entropy is the measure of the disorder or randomness of energy and matter in a system. Because of the second law of thermodynamics both energy and matter in the Universe are becoming less useful as time goes on. Perfect order in the Universe occurred the instance after the Big Bang when energy and matter and all of the forces of the Universe were unified.

Third Law of Thermodynamics
The third law of thermodynamics states that if all the thermal motion of molecules (kinetic energy) could be removed, a state called absolute zero would occur. Absolute zero results in a temperature of 0 Kelvins or -273.15° Celsius.
Absolute Zero = 0 Kelvins = -273.15° Celsius
The Universe will attain absolute zero when all energy and matter is randomly distributed across space. The current temperature of empty space in the Universe is about 2.7 Kelvins.

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03-25-2009 20:07:24

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to buickanddeere, 03-25-2009 13:09:17  

Don't you think it would be reasonable to give proper attribution to the source of the plagerized thermodynamics text in your post. I am not checking but I assume it came from Wikipedia.

Some people might erroneously think you can write.

On the whole, I don't have a problem with your position. I think that fruit-loops and nut-cases should be discouraged from posting. Why should we tolerate misinformation and shoddy thinking on this board?

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03-25-2009 20:19:02

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wardner, 03-25-2009 20:07:24  
Yes while on coffee break. I pulled up a quick and reasonably accurate and condensed version for illustration purposes from Wikipedia. My typing and literary skills are fair at best. Everything requires a proof reading and spell check.Manage to miss a few errors here and there too.

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03-25-2009 18:10:27

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to buickanddeere, 03-25-2009 13:09:17  
Well , B&D, just had to bring up the legendary "big bang" theory now didn't you!Now that will start another 3 pages of crap.

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03-25-2009 16:14:30

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to buickanddeere, 03-25-2009 13:09:17  
HEY - this explains exactly why my beer gets warm unless I drink it quickly

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03-25-2009 13:56:25

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to buickanddeere, 03-25-2009 13:09:17  
B&D, you are wasting time and effort on him. he is the type who should be materially supporting all the crack-pot ideas on yootoob that are looking for sponsors (like, er, money) to develop their over-unity generators.

Thermodynamics you are quoting - way over the top! If he can't grasp the simple, obvious practical considerations of the idea - which shout loud and clear that it is a non starter - how will he ever understand even a teeny bit of thermodynamics?

BTW Doesn't everyone leave their fridge door open, in the summer months, to cool the room? Best idea I've heard for a while (chuckle).

Regards, RAB

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03-25-2009 13:36:48

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to buickanddeere, 03-25-2009 13:09:17  
b&d..... ..... just let him go
you stepped on his toes when you pointed out facts, but he's upset cause you're mashin his whole foot now

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03-25-2009 12:31:23

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 12:01:49  
Dude, I aint a english major, but your posts are a pain to read.

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MN Joe

03-25-2009 14:47:52

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Spook, 03-25-2009 12:31:23  
Hey Spook --- Make that Crude Dude

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Wild Bill Caldwell

03-25-2009 12:36:55

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Spook, 03-25-2009 12:31:23  
Spook.. It is obvious I ain't a english major either, help Me out

And with that said I have never liked that term "DUDE"

Wild Bill

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MN Joe

03-25-2009 14:44:14

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 12:36:55  
YA Willy Billy,,, what fits you better is "CRUDE"

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03-25-2009 12:24:14

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 12:01:49  
I met Smokey Yunick at an "economy" seminar that was sponsored by Iowa Dept of Trans. in 197? during gas crisis. He very much knew how to get mileage out of engines...it was just that racing and horsepower paid better. One of the counterintuitive things he preached was making any engine run HOTTER and then using the heat for a bigger bang in the combustion process....without detonation etc. Great thinker and seat of the pants engineer...and almost deaf from many yrs. of open exhaust and no hearing protection.

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03-25-2009 12:59:00

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 Re: buickanddeere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to ChevCase, 03-25-2009 12:24:14  
Smokey was a rare kind. He even survived bombing runs over Germany. Smokey had the ability to both think logically and "outside of the box". Plus he could use tools without hurting himself. Then he was able to tie it all together with a working machine. That was practical and paid for it's self.

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Wild Bill Caldwell

03-25-2009 12:33:29

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to ChevCase, 03-25-2009 12:24:14  
So many stories about Smokey, a man who deserves the title LEGEND.....Drove Bill France crazy...Nobody could figure out why His Chevelle was winnin' (think Waltrip was drivein' at the time) Smokey had reduced the Chevelle to 7/8 size.....Hence the reason for templets in Nascar today

Wild Bill

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03-25-2009 12:14:52

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 12:01:49  
Yes I did draft semi"s in younger days on BMW R69 and on Harley chopper 49 FLE in 58 frame- I also indulged in Jack Daniels and Dickel sourmash. As for Gibb"s- no disrespect but his modifications to 7.62x63 cartridge were also done by others- I mentioned Ackley improved as example of what was done with newer powders compared to original IMR of 1890-1914 period. The .300 H&H was developed for the double based Cordite that needed longer taper shoulder for load and extraction in intend use- the mixed african and indian game of British colonial times. The .300 Weatherby cartridge shows what can be done with H&H with new powders and not worrying about fouling in chamber for feed. RN

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Wild Bill Caldwell

03-25-2009 12:27:06

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to RN, 03-25-2009 12:14:52  
RN, with all due respect sir., the 300 Weatherby or any of His other cartridges are seldom what They were claimed to be.....crono the loads, crono the factory loads, I and many others have never got the velocities Roy claimed to get....and His freebore,Usually a 1/2in or more.....and would You agree They are overbore? To get the extra 75 fps or so over a Gibbs You will deal with a lot more recoil

Wild Bill

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03-25-2009 13:02:57

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to Wild Bill Caldwell, 03-25-2009 12:27:06  
Freebore at end of chamber is not considered by many to be best for accuracy- the rifling should just touch bullet or just slightest of interference fit is what many benchrest shooters prefer. Problem is what happens when a larger,longer bullet is used? Freebore allows heaviest bullets to be used, slight reduction in pressure for shorter bullets and slight chew of bullet after its short jump to engage rifling. Ruger mini30 supossed to have a bit of freebore on its .308 barrel- allows the use of other than american ammo using .310/311 bullets safely. The old .300 H&H long taper was designed by engineers worried about possible fouling in chamber causing feed problems while hunting sometimes dangerous game- reliability was important. Cordite mix of nitrocellulose, Nitroglycerin and petroleum gel was hot, reliable burner but still had corrosive fouling properties especially with corrosive mercuric primers of the time. Since head spacing on shoulder wasn"t a problem with the "flanged" cartridge the extra forward chamber space was not concern, the extra space was a plus on extracting fired shell after brass returned closer to original diameter, Blish principal retention of case in chamber not wanted. As for overbore? Maybe, best balanced cartridge in .30 may have been the old .300 Savage. RN

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Mel in SW Iowa

03-25-2009 13:44:33

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 Re: buickand deere ....Yes You Sir ELEC in reply to RN, 03-25-2009 13:02:57  
You are right. I should have written that Smoky was not working on a 200mpg carburetor that I am aware of.

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