Most everything that can be said about Satohs has already been said. I had a Satoh 550G (G is for gasoline) with an ARPs loader on it. This was 60cu in, 17.5hp tractor. The price was very right at the time. I've since moved up. Parts can be found. However once found they are expensive - read very expensive. Most of the common "tune-up" parts - plugs, points, condensor, and so on have been cross-referenced to NAPA P/Ns. I've read that the same motors were used in Yale forklifts, and that some comparisons can be made to a similar motor installed in '71-73 Mazda. Don't hold me to it though. Beyond that hang on. I did some checking while I had mine. A single brake shoe was approx $150. Head gasket $62. Complete set of bearings (mains and rods) was over $400, same thing for pistons and rings. Who knows what other major component parts might cost. Having been and owner, my advice is to stay away from them. If you a set on a grey market tractor, I'd lean more towards a Yanmar. Seems to be quite a network of dealers, and parts are more readily available. Yanmar makes JD tractors, and their diesels are used in Mustang Skid Steers, as well as several marine applications. Just my 2 cents.