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Re: gasoline quality
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Posted by charles on February 17, 1999 at 11:32:06:
In Reply to: gasoline quality posted by Doug S. on February 14, 1999 at 22:06:27:
I've had bad running problems twice from "bad gas" After hauling my tractor twice to the mechanic he fixed it twice by draining and replacing the gas. Makes you feel kind of dumb. The "bad" in the bad gas was water that condensed from air on the inside of a partly empty tank during cool periods (winter lay-ups are particularly bad). Despite the fact that the gas and water don't mix, you can form a suspension of the water in the gas as the tractor shakes away and mixes it all up. Once it resettles, the first thing into the fuel bowl and into your engine will be the water (and associated crud). Its not always so easy to see though. I'd drain it and use it for burning somewhere else. To prevent, keep your tank full of gas an no air, especially as it gets cooler. At a minium drain off about a gallon.
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