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Re: 1936 or 37 w-30?
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Posted by Tim B on February 27, 1999 at 10:07:09:
In Reply to: 1936 or 37 w-30? posted by brad mersinger on February 26, 1999 at 16:21:12:
I own a 1936 f12 fs78243 which was built near the end of the year. I am getting ready to paint it right now. I brought this question up on the ATIS Farmall mailing list and got alot of response. Because it is a 36 you could paint it gray and be pretty sure that no one say much. I haven't heard that anybody knows for sure when the change took place.There also was talk that some of the dealers painted every tractor they had new and used red at the time so that they would stand out. Alot of people said to pick the coler I liked best. My tractor was red with gray underneath and I decided to go with gray so it looks like an older tractor which it is. good luck Tim B. .
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