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Re: Kero Engine Years
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Posted by Harold H on February 28, 1999 at 05:23:03:
In Reply to: Kero Engine Years posted by John on February 27, 1999 at 20:41:10:
John, You could get a H for distilate (kerosene) all the way through production. You could still get Farmalls on distilate all the way through the 350, 450 series, although I'm sure very few 350's or 450's were sold for distilate. We called it "tractor fuel" in the Delta. Distilate, kerosene, and tractor fuel were all the same depending on what it was called in various parts of the country. In later years "tractor fuel" was gasoline with off road dye in it rather than kerosene or distilate. Harold H
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