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Re: 574 INT
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Posted by RickB. on March 14, 1999 at 09:16:02:
In Reply to: 574 INT posted by Rick on March 14, 1999 at 07:28:31:
With that many hours on it, I would put a master engine oil pressure gauge in it & check the pressure with the tractor warmed up. Low oil press. is usually caused by worn cam bearings, which need to be align bored when replaced on this engine. The balancer shaft bearings wear & bleed off a lot of oil flow, too. This is more expensive to fix than just an average overhaul, and there is no putting off repairing low oil pressure troubles, ask the guy with the 784 with the conrod out below. Case industrial dealers probably won't be able to help you but many CaseIH ag dealers would be happy to ship parts to you. The lower cap is for the optional 1000 RPM PTO which you apparently don't have(few did). Check to see that the brake master cylinder (below & in front of steering column) isn't leaking, the equilizer valve fails often. Don't try to repair it, replace it if necessary. Good Luck.
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