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Re: W450 IH
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Posted by Chuck on March 15, 1999 at 17:17:39:
In Reply to: W450 IH posted by Annette on March 14, 1999 at 15:21:44:
$1200 was a fairly low price for that unit, but remember that your husband may not have gotten it for that price. If he would have bid $1250 or $1300, who knows where it may have gone from there. That is always the uncertainty about auctions. You can't go away thinking that what the other person paid for it is what you would have paid for it. If two people want the same thing badly enough, up goes the price. I bought a Farmall 450 at an auction last fall even though I wasn't particularly interested in it and certainly didn't go to the sale to get that tractor. However, once I got started bidding on it at a low price, I didn't stop till I had it and I paid way too much for it. So, at an auction sale, who knows what will happen. It is always a gamble. Enjoy your 2N and something else good will come along. Chuck
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