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Re: International 354 Year and HP
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Posted by George on March 16, 1999 at 20:33:48:
In Reply to: International 354 Year and HP posted by Jeff W on March 14, 1999 at 06:24:03:
The 354 had a companion unit the I-2300 tractor. This tractor was identical to the 354 except it was painted yellow and was offered for sale by the construction equipment dealers.The I-2300 was also offered with a diesel motor, I believe the 354 may have also included diesel. About the serial number that you posted, A470001B02857. The "A47" is an inventory caracter that represented the 354 tractor, the"0001" is a cod for the type of power, in this case case a gas engine(0002 would be a diesel) the 02857 is the serial number. These tractors started with sn/501, so your tractor was probably one of the last produced. They were all produced in England and shipped to the US in crates much the same as lawn tractors today. IH had purshased power skids,(engines,transmission, and final drives) from foreign supplies as imports parts, and then assembled them to complete tractors in the US, but this was the first complete tractor import that I recall. This may have been more than you care to know about the 354, but I hope it was of some intrest.George
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