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Re: Starter trouble.. I think
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Posted by Phil Auten on April 03, 1999 at 10:22:40:
In Reply to: Starter trouble.. I think posted by Cory on March 31, 1999 at 08:46:59:
Cory, All the other posts have good suggestions. There are several possibilities for your problem. First, is the tractor still 6V or has it been converted to 12V? If still 6V, make sure the battery cables are at least 2 ga. wire. 6V systems draw twice as much current as 12V systems, and as such are twice as succeptible to bad connections. Check ALL connections, including the battery connections. Clean all connections with a wire brush until the surfaces are bright then reconnect and silicone grease and star washers can't hurt. Be sure to clean the threads of bolts that thread into housings and chase the hole threads with a tap, if you can. Remove the starter and clean the mounting surface on the starter and bellhousing. This is where the starter gets it's ground to complete the electrical circuit. Replace any cables that have corroded back under the insulation and don't use those battery clamps that clamp onto the wire. Use high quality cables with molded on ends. Those little felt washers under the terminals of the battery couldn't hurt either. That should do it, Phil
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