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Re: SA charging?
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Posted by Stan Theman on April 13, 1999 at 10:41:57:
In Reply to: SA charging? posted by Mike Dmetriuc on April 13, 1999 at 07:32:46:
With the engine running at a fast idle, measure the voltage at the battery terminals using the DC setting on your volt meter. Slow the engine to an idle and measure again. Shut the engine off and measure yet again. If all three readings are the same, you're not charging the battery at all. If the last two readings are the same, the cut-out relay in your regulator is open. This indicates regulator problems or a weak generator. Do not take readings before you start the engine as the load to crank the engine will drop your battery voltage (especially on a 6-volt system). A new or fully charged battery will read 2.2 volts per cell. That means a good 6-volt battery will read 6.6 volts and a good 12-volt battery will read 13.2 volts. If your measurements while the engine is running aren't at or above these levels, your battery will run down.
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