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McCormick C-250 Checkrow Corn Planter Detailing Question
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Posted by Jeff Strand, Minneapolis on May 02, 1999 at 19:32:22:
Just found and bought a McCormick C-250 Checkrow corn planter unit and manual from a local farmer, whose father bought it new and farmed 155 acres with it. This 2-row corn planter unit is equipped for the the 2-point IHC fast hitch. The unit is in good condition and I can identify original paint for the most part, red frame, white steel wheels, and the seed cans are blue. My question is if anyone else has restored one of these units, where did you obtain a stencil for the "McCormick" on the seed cans? I may just leave these alone despite some rust speckling rather than mess with the original paint and stencils. The lettering was painted on the seed can, not a decal. This corn planter is similar to the one (a C-252 Power Hill Drop Corn Planter) pictured with the Super C on page 47 of the originality guide book "Farmall Letter Series Tractors" by Guy Fay and Andy Kraushaar. Plan to get my 1953 Super C repainted this summer and would like to show it this fall with the implement. Any help appreciated.
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