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Re: H Hard Starting
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Posted by mj delaney on May 27, 1999 at 08:27:03 from (
In Reply to: H Hard Starting posted by Barnaby on May 26, 1999 at 05:15:23:
These tractors were hard to start 20 years ago too! I think the magnets in the mag get weak as others have suggested. I bet the tractors are next to impossible to start in the winter especially with heavy oil. It probably explains why people shift to 12 volt systems. I'm too much of a purist for that. With ours,twenty years ago(mag unit) we used to flip it over with the crank two or three times switch off and the choke on. Then we would turn it over by the starter with the throttle closed pretty well down switch on and choke off. As I remember old "H" would eventually fire. I now have a 50 "H" with coil ignition. Sometimes if it's sitting around long enough it's fussy to start. I like to think I keep it in tune too! My "H" is different than the mag "H" as I have to give it a lot more gas to start; and without flooding and that can be hard to do. I really had to have my starter and wiring in shape to get enough power. Once it's warmed up you just touch the starter button and she's away. So, to conclude, they can be fussy to start. Check out your mag and your wiring. Stay tuned to this web page, and look for tricks.
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