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Re: Re: fuel problem on H Farmall
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Posted by RKS on May 29, 1999 at 16:38:42 from (
In Reply to: Re: fuel problem on H Farmall posted by The Red on May 29, 1999 at 13:01:59:
Red is right - the fuel is seeping past the blockage and filling the float chamber when parked, then you use it faster than the line will refill it - so it is either trash in one of the two "external" filters or in the tank neck or fuel line itself, or trash hung in the "float valve itself" which if it hasn't been rebuilt is probably a "caged bb" type. Sounds like the float is working ok, or fuel would be spilling over the main jet venturi and out the air intake. Also sounds like the main and idle needle valves are ok, if it cranks and runs normally until out of gas. You have two chances at preventing a carb rebuild - (1)trash in filters/(2)trash in tank or line - but if you can't find it there, a rebuild kit is about $30 or less, without the float itself. The float valve in the kits is a teflon coated "wedge needle." If you rebuild, be sure and test the float for leaks, and test the float for dragging on the side of the float chamber. Turn it upside down when finished before attaching it to the manifold and listen for the "clink" as the float closes the float valve. Also, as you turn it upside down, you won't be able to blow into it, and then will again as you turn it right side up. RKS
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