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460 IH please help ?
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Posted by Scott on June 28, 1999 at 09:32:32 from (
Our 460 utility has a steering problem. Many times I've heard that the power steering on these utility models are no good( and IH does not make parts anymore) but ours has worked well until now. The steering is like a manual gearbox setup with hydraulic assist right on the gear box. Yesterday something made a noise like sheering off a small bolt and the steering jumped or jerked. Now the wheels cannot be turned to the left unless there is no weight on the front end. The power assist seems to work fine only to the right. My questions are these: 1. can anyone tell me where to get new parts for these steering units? 2. Does this sound like a problem in the hyd spooling mechinism on the column? Thanks to anyone who can help
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