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Re: F-12 Governer and carburator - explain it to me...Please!
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Posted by Chip on July 14, 1999 at 09:33:28 from (
In Reply to: F-12 Governer and carburator - explain it to me...Please! posted by Farmaller on July 13, 1999 at 18:42:55:
I haven't seen that set up, but generally it works like this, your governor is measuring engine speed, and making adjustments to keep engine operating at or near the desired speed. When you advance the throttle, the governor advances the carb, and allows more fuel to enter, thus picking up speed, this will explain why the engine will slow down under a load and then speed up to carry it, without you having to touch the throttle. The governor usually does this through a centrifugal force method, either ball bearing, or more traditional flyweight styles. This is easier shown than described, sorry, hope it helps some. Chip
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