hcrawford said: (quoted from post at 11:54:00 03/24/09) I am looking for a $ value for my 1955 Farmall Cub and implements. I want one price for all -nothing to be separated. I have a IHC Farmall Cub (1955), ONE POINT HITCH w/ plow, disc, rear mower, seeder, cultivators, fertilizer box, front blade, wheel weights (front & back), electric start w/ front hand crank and motor has been punched out to 20,000 oversize. Also has homemade stainless steel battery box and original battery box.
Determined by these variables.
1. Condition - mechanical and cosmetic
2. Location
3. Availability of a Cub in the area it is being sold or contemplating purchase.
4. What the Current Owner wants
5. What the New Owner may be willing to pay
5. What comes with it.
Location, Location, Location is not only a real estate agent's mantra, but for some reason this place a huge part in determining the value of a cub. Cubs can go in price from just a few hundred.. (I paid $750.00US for a 1955 (in Ohio btw) complete with SS emblems, fast hitch, F-144, Cub-F38 Disc Harrow, Cub-F-194 Moldboard Plow, Cub-54 Blade, Belt Pulley and a whole mess of other stuff including weights, tire chains and assorted pieces) to $4,500.00 at the very high end. I have yet to see any Cub go for more than that either on eBay or at auctions that I have attended. Granted there are not a lot of immaculate Cubs in the Maritimes.
Mostly though, the value probably is more critically attained by a compromise between the two parties. A start high price, will scare away a lot of people.. a lower more reasonable reserve (something that would make you happy.. remember you will never recoup all you have spent on it..) or a willingness to dicker may help. Be prepared, you may only get offers for a fraction of what you may wish.
Also a No-Separation policy will greatly reduce the end prices. If you are willing to sell some of the more desireable items such as the rear mounted mower, the seeder and maybe the cultivator and disc, they you may gain more financially. Individually the mower may be able to fetch $400.00 on it's own, the disc maybe $250.00 to $350.00 on its own, the Cub-54? can generated up to $350.00 or $400.00 if it is complete. And so forth. Willingness to dicker and sell pieces will generate a lot more interest and with that a lot more financial reward.
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Today's Featured Article - The Cletrac General GG and the BF Avery A - A Bit of History - by Mike Ballash. This article is a summary of what I have gathered up from various sources on the Gletrac General GG and the B. F. Avery model A tractors. I am quite sure that most of it is accurate. The General GG was made by the Cleveland Tractor Company (Cletrac) of Cleveland, Ohio. Originally the company was called the Cleveland Motor Plow Company which began in 1912, then the Cleveland Tractor Company (1917) and finally Cletrac.
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