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Re: Farmall Cub Fuel Tank
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Posted by Chris on September 20, 1999 at 21:42:57 from (
In Reply to: Farmall Cub Fuel Tank posted by Bruce on September 20, 1999 at 20:38:59:
I had to deal with my corroded tank for an entire year. First, I had it boiled out at a radiator shop. It got clean, but wouldn't stay that way. Then, somebody recommended that I use a fuel tank liner kit from JC Whitney. I just put on the last coat and plan to crank my Cub over in the next couple of days. It appears that it will work just fine. By the way, you may not know this (I found out a couple of days ago,) but the Cub has a baffle mounted across the tank. For a whole year, I couldn't even tell.
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