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Re: What is your occuptation, tractors, location
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Posted by BigboyH on September 23, 1999 at 08:21:45 from (
In Reply to: What is your occuptation, tractors, location posted by Marvin on September 21, 1999 at 13:33:17:

I'm 44 years old. Born and raised in Orlando, Florida. I have worked for the County for 22+ years, I'm a System Analyst currently. I own 10 acres about 125 miles from Orlando, in a small town Trenton Florida, this is where I'm hoping to retire to in about 8 more years. I only own one tractor but its been a good one. A 1950 Ford 8N. I use it for basic stuff around the 10 acres, mowing grass, plow/plant garden, pull the utility trailer etc.
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