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Re: Re: Re: How to Plow?
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Posted by MrGadget: Couldn't o' said it better myself... on October 07, 1999 at 07:22:40 from (
In Reply to: Re: Re: How to Plow? posted by Farmer Bob on October 06, 1999 at 21:20:09:
I might add that if you're working from the middle-out (leaving a "headland") and plowing up close to a fence on the endrows, you'll have to do a figure 8 at the end until you get enough width to just turn right and go. Dad always had me go counterclockwise (from the outside in, but then he'd readjust the left wheel (or the 3pt) to raise that moldboard up and plow over the "dead furrow" to level it out. He always did that himself (course at 74 he still won't let anybody pull the planter but him, either!). Also if you weren't on a field that was a perfect rectangle, (or you didn't plow perfectly straight), you would end up by doing short turnarounds as you worked down to the middle. By the time you went over it two different angles with the tandem disk, you'd never even know that dead furrow was there. The only time we ever used the plow though was rotating back alfalfa, or wheat ground. If it had been in corn or beans the year before, we just went through with a chisel toolbar and disked it.
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