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Posted by Phil Auten on October 12, 1999 at 05:25:56 from (
In Reply to: CFUEL PROBLEM posted by Buford on October 11, 1999 at 13:59:23:
Buford, As far as I know, C's don't have fuel pumps, it's all gravity flow. Since it doesen't run much above idle unless the choke is pulled out, it has to be fuel starvation. Since you say there's good flow to the carb, that indicates that either the float level is too low or there is something clogging or partially clogging the high speed circuit of the carb. First thing I would do is to get a carb kit, remove the carb, tear it down and thoroughly clean it. Use a pan deep enough that you can completely cover all parts of the carb in cleaning solvent and let it sit overnight. Attack all parts with a fairly stiff bristle brush (a toothbrush works pretty well) and pay special attention to the passages and little holes. Dry it off, install the kit following the instructions and reinstall it on the tractor. Adjust the idle and high speed screws and you should be in business again. Sounds a lot harder than it is. Good luck, Phil
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