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Re: International No.90 plow
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Posted by MikeH(Tx) on October 22, 1999 at 05:59:05 from (
In Reply to: International No.90 plow posted by Roger on October 22, 1999 at 03:14:07:

Roger, there are four bolts that hold either the drawbar or F12 custom implements. First remove the drawbar, if one is fitted. The bottom bolts are just normal bolts and fit through holes in the front frame of the plow. The top bolts don't have to be removed, as they are on a piece of angle iron that pivots over the top of the plow frame (or drawbar) and pulls it tight. In this picture of my F12 you can barely see what is going on. I will take a better one this weekend and post it for you.
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