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Re: now im not so happy
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Posted by Brian on November 13, 1999 at 13:54:39 from (
In Reply to: now im not so happy posted by farmer mike on November 12, 1999 at 13:55:01:
Is this hydraulicly operated? Or is it with a hand lever attachment. I recently looked at an A with a Woods mower. Had a ratchet like device to raise and lower. It occurs to me that if I had an A without hydraulics and went to buy a mowing deck, it would not turn out to be a bargain if I had to hunt up all of the bracketry. There was quite a bit of stuff besides what I would call the deck. I have also recently seen a couple of, I'll say interesting, hand made fabrications to add hydraulics to a front snow blade for an H and M. They may work well, they may not. They certainly looked ugly enough. I recently purchase a 140 (like an A with hydraulics) and just piecing the parts of the front snow blade together was a weekend job. I only had to fabricate a couple of pins and bend some of the brackets back into place. My greatest fear was hitting a snow bank and breaking a casting on my tractor 'cause I had it on wrong. I certainly wouldn't want to try and design the attachments. IMHO, wait till you find a blade with all of the attachments unless you are really handy at fabricating them.
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