Mike: Anti tampering wire, all Farmalls of that era had it. If it was tampered with, you were unlikely to get any warrenty. The A and C have an external bolt for adjusting governed speed, that one plus one of the governor housing bolt had the wire.
I remember my dad asking the IH dealer if they could get same type screws for carburator and timing setting. He had an employee that liked adjusting things, didn't know very much, but he never figured most tractors worked just right. This guy had worked at neighbors, a semi retired couple that let him go unregulated. Once per week the owner would tow him, non running 8N, behind his pickup to Ford dealer. Two hours later he'd drive back tractor adjusted and running. The couple retired, dad rented the farm and more or less inherited the bone head helper. First day on the job, dad told him if I ever catch you adjusting carburator, timing advance, governors, etc. on my Farmalls, I'll cut off your fingers. It must have worked, we never had very much trouble. He did try getting the blessing of my brothers and I, by complaining about the tractor he may be driving, never worked, we always reminded him what dad had told him. Dad soon farmed him off to another employer by saying his boys were getting old enough thus we didn't need him.
I think North American farms operated with a lot of that type of help, basically not capable of operating much more than a wheel barrow, but you let them have a tractor job once in a while, nothing very sophisticated. I remember once asking this labor guy I hired for haying, can you drive a tractor? Yep was his answer. I said take that 300 and side delivery rake and follow the rest of these guys to a field 2 miles up the road. This was not an exceptionally heavy travelled road, but it did have blind spots and log trucks. I watched as this guy crossed traffic with 300 and rake in low gear, one loaded log truck narrowly missing him. I yelled, "Mike, you and George take the pickup, catch him and take that tractor away from him."
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Today's Featured Article - Choosin, Mounting and Using a Bush Hog Type Mower - by Francis Robinson. Looking around at my new neighbors, most of whom are city raised and have recently acquired their first mini-farms of five to fifteen acres and also from reading questions ask at various discussion sites on the web it is frighteningly apparent that a great many guys (and a few gals) are learning by trial and error and mostly error how to use a very dangerous piece of farm equipment. It is also very apparent that these folks are getting a lot of very poor and often very dangerous advice fro
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