Mark, you obviously have some issues that need to be addressed. It doesn't appear that it actually has anything to do with punctuation, literacy, sentence structure, or anything else.
It has to do with "inadequacy."
I've learned over the years that the people who try to impress others with their mastery of the English, or any other, language, often have few other skills. They are aware of that, but don't like to admit it to themselves. It makes them feel superior to attack others for their shortcomings. This forum is for helping, sharing and growing, all while enjoying the comradery.
YOU evidently don't get that.
A fundamental rule I learned along time ago was:
Do unto others as you would have done unto you.
Let those who are without sin cast the first stone.
I'm neither a biblical scholar, nor even particularly religious. But I do recognize basic truths and understand what things are important and what are not. Let me point out that Andrew's point was clear despite any typing or other errors. That is the point. His goal, of communication and solicitation of information, was successfully completed. Getting the job done is the important thing, not "how" it’s done. I once saw a "good ol' boy,” who never completed high school, save a man pinned in a burning vehicle, by wrapping a chain around the man's door, hooking it to the hitch on his truck and jerking the door off the burning truck, freeing the trapped driver. There were two "professional" firemen there, trying to keep the fire back, but for lack of "PROPER" tools, couldn't figure out how to free the man. They were very resistant to the good ol' boy's idea because it wasn't consistent with standards of the day. I know at least ONE individual who was very much in favor of the idea, and is still living today because of it. My point? I'd rather have a 250 lb. corn fed illiterate who knows how to solve problems and get things done than some sanctimonious expert who can only criticize on "how" its being done. You sir, fall into the latter category.
By the way, before you attack ME for my paragraph structure, or spelling or syntax errors or whatever, make note that you evidently failed to proofread your own text. I'm sure EVERYONE know that a quotation mark is not used in a contraction to separate the two parts of the word. It should be an apostrophe. Check your text. The words you"d in your first sentence and Didn"t in your last paragraph. Even my small public school with no more than 400 students total covered what the correct punctuation mark should be. Despite any errors in my writing, (and I don't care if there are any,) I think I've been successful in making my point.
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Today's Featured Article - Choosin, Mounting and Using a Bush Hog Type Mower - by Francis Robinson. Looking around at my new neighbors, most of whom are city raised and have recently acquired their first mini-farms of five to fifteen acres and also from reading questions ask at various discussion sites on the web it is frighteningly apparent that a great many guys (and a few gals) are learning by trial and error and mostly error how to use a very dangerous piece of farm equipment. It is also very apparent that these folks are getting a lot of very poor and often very dangerous advice fro
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