I am learning a lot on this subject also but here are a few things you can check on. Finding the centerline of the draft,Checking on the hitch settings and there is an art to that!, making sure all shares are cutting the same amount of width, making sure they are all going the same depth. Just because you have a center hole in the drawbar doesn't mean that is where you put the clevis. You can go out and plow one strip and then come back and start the second one and stop, get a shovel and dig out around the plow to see what it is acually doing. Your tire should not rub the side of the furrow but clear it about an inch or so, if it rubs that causes sidewall wear. Also If the tire is flattening the soil you just turned,(and you have that 1 inch clearance) then the tires are too wide for the shares. Remember this, the wider the tire, the less LBS per sqare inch you have on the tread patch, the less weight per Square inch the more slippage. On the other hand if you have wet conditions the wider may be better but you shouldn't be plowing when it is like that. Keep at it and if you get to a plow day, ask an old timer! Some of those guys sure helped me out.
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Today's Featured Article - The Cletrac General GG and the BF Avery A - A Bit of History - by Mike Ballash. This article is a summary of what I have gathered up from various sources on the Gletrac General GG and the B. F. Avery model A tractors. I am quite sure that most of it is accurate. The General GG was made by the Cleveland Tractor Company (Cletrac) of Cleveland, Ohio. Originally the company was called the Cleveland Motor Plow Company which began in 1912, then the Cleveland Tractor Company (1917) and finally Cletrac.
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