mkirsch said: (quoted from post at 05:20:01 07/07/09) If you want to be treated like you have a personal relationship with a business, then don't shop on the Internet.
You didn't get preferential treatment because you're file on a computer. The person you talked to was a phone operator, not the business owner. This person doesn't know you from Adam. They have no idea how much business you do with the company. They have no authority to "bend the rules" for you. The owner, the person who might help you, is nowhere to be found.
You're doing business with a computer and a girl from the temp agency in town who's just there to answer the phones and make it seem like there's a real business behind it all. In reality, the entire "store" could be contained in a coat closet, and probably is.
As far as getting "better" parts elsewhere, forget about it. YT doesn't make parts. There's one place making replacement brake bands for your H in the entire world. Whether you get them from here, the local CaseIH dealer, or any of the thousands of retired farmers trying to bring in a few extra dollars by being an A&I dealer, they all come from the same place.
Actually, that is NOT true. The brake bands I get from A&I seem to be a much higher quality band than what I can get from another supplier. The color and composition of the lining is even different.
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Today's Featured Article - Identifying Tractor Noises - by Curtis Von Fange. Listening To Your Tractor : Part 3 - In this series we are continuing to learn the fine art of listening to our tractor in hopes of keeping it running longer. One particularly important facet is to hear and identify the particular noises that our
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