I've got a place nearby and am going as a spectator. Too much work to register and run any tractors there.
I doubt the name-origin quite works as you've described. "Mackinac" was an attempt at spelling part of the Wendat and/or Ojibway Indian name for a "big turtle" which was big part of their culture. The Mac Island was the "big turtle", as were many other things. The original attempt at spelling the spoken word from the Indians was "Michilimackinac." Back then, often French or English speakers couldn't even find letters that replicated some of the actual sounds they were hearing from the Indians. My name (which is French) originally had the number 8 in it, instead of a letter. That because the number 8 in French, when spoken, best replicates the sound of the Indian sound. "Mackinaw" was a name derived from cloth that some Métis Indians made for non-Indians. As far as who named what and why, later, we will probably never been know for sure. You've got a bunch of non-Indians who tried to use non-Indian written language to use Indian words. Then later, you've got non-French and non-British-English speakers changing spellings even more. Same problem even exits with the names we use for the Indian tribes. The name Ojibwa and Huron are names non-Indians made up and not what they called themselves. By the way, I've met quite a few native Michigan people who think the big bridge is spelled "Mackinaw." So, it's not just the trolls below the bridge, or out-of-staters.
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Today's Featured Article - Identifying Tractor Noises - by Curtis Von Fange. Listening To Your Tractor : Part 3 - In this series we are continuing to learn the fine art of listening to our tractor in hopes of keeping it running longer. One particularly important facet is to hear and identify the particular noises that our
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