Posted by sgtbull on December 20, 2009 at 07:56:08 from (
I was just watching the Today show and they were discussing stars like Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and George Clooney. The topic was how "altruistic" they were and how great of Americans they are. What aggravates me are these points: 1. Just because they are "famous actors" and have lots of money, why on earth should they be in the public eye pushing political agendas. Honestly, what makes BONO or Brad Pitt any sort of expert in the realm of what is important in the US? Consider the likes of Jane Fonda (communist) and Barbara Steisand, (wack job.)
2. Okay, I realize there are problems in many other countries with poverty and hunger, but there are problems in the US too. It seems that the US isn't "good enough" for these people to warrant their attentions. Obviously, "feeding the children" in ANOTHER country is more important... at least it garners better PR. I don't for a second believe they are really that concerned about the people, as they are their image. Remember the "Farm Aid" concert all those years ago? Where exactly did that money go? There was quite a bit generated as I recall, but I never heard ANYTHING about how it was actually used. I still had neighbors lose their farms and at least one kill himself because of it.
3. I've been a "public servant" for 25 years, taking the scum of the earth to jail at every opportunity. I've been shot at 4 times in my career, had a child die in my arms, and delivered more death messages to families of accident victims than I care to remember, including my own Aunt when her daughter was killed in a car crash. I've seen more instances of inhumanity, carnage, poverty and tragedy in my own country than I care to remember. I've had the opportunity to work presidential security details for FOUR presidents, being close enough to shake their hand while wearing a loaded pistol so evidently I'm not a security risk. But what do you think the odds are of my getting and audience with a president just because I have an opinion I want to express? Do you think the liberal media is interested in MY perspective on global warming? (I suspect I know just as much about it as Leonardo Dicaprio.) I'm guessing neither is very likely.
I'm happy with my lot in life. I've got wonderful kids, a decent income and a nice home. (And yes, some really cool old tractors that I'm happy to have restored myself.) I've proud to say that I've worked for everything I own, and never took a single dollar of public aid in my life, so this isn't "sour grapes" or anything like that. Its just my opinion on how screwed up our society is when actors and sports figures, many of whom are just talented thugs, make more money than say, firemen, school teachers, police officers, paramedics or emts, or our SOLDIERS who give their LIVES for this country. IF you were in danger, injured or your house was on fire, who would you prefer shows up at your door, Brad Pitt or the appropriate person who is trained and dedicated to saving your butt. Just my blowing off steam. Sorry if I offended any overpaid, pompous, self serving, public figures. (Well, not really.)
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