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Rodeo question for Guy Fay
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Posted by Harold H on January 02, 1999 at 06:55:08:
Guy, Do your arcives make any mention of the IH "Tractor Rodeo" teams in the mid 50's? (like the Navy "Blue Angles" or Air Force "Thunderbirds"). These were IH precision driving teams that would perform square dancing, trick driving, and other entertaining precision driving manuvers, at state fairs and such in the mid 50's. The used Super C's and maby 200's. I saw the Memphis District team perform at the Mid South Fair two or three times. I was wondering if this was the only Harvester District that had a Tractor Rodeo team or did each district have there own team? Does any body else remember seeing these performances? I believe they only did them two or three years. Harold H
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