so, can somone explain to me why my grandfather, the superintendant of mines for the Frick Coke Company in Pittsburgh Pa. who ALWAYS looked out for his workers, had to put my father and my aunt between the chimney's in their house so they wouldn't get hit by stray bullets that were fired at the house during wildcat strikes?
Can someone please explain why he was dragged from his car and beat to the point he was put into the hospital?
This was the man that used to go visit his worker's sick family members in the hosptial? This is the man who when one of his worker's was sick, would take food and medicine over to their house? This was ALL before there was social security, food stamps, medicare, and health insurance.
Sorry guys, I grew up in a family that was NOT treated well by the mindless mob mentality and actions of the union(s). I am a manager and have been for 25 years. I treat my staff fairly, and am genuinely concern about their welfare and careers.........and no union is telling me to do that. My job is to balance the needs of the company with the needs of the employee, making sure that neither side takes advantage of the other.
I ABSOLUTELY do not like participating in these types of discussions, but I couldn't sit back on this one............the real problem here is when either side gets greedy.....the company or the workers. When that happens, BOTH sides ultimately fail.............
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Today's Featured Article - Identifying Tractor Noises - by Curtis Von Fange. Listening To Your Tractor : Part 3 - In this series we are continuing to learn the fine art of listening to our tractor in hopes of keeping it running longer. One particularly important facet is to hear and identify the particular noises that our
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