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Re: Why IH went out?
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Posted by Jeff Strand, Minneapolis on January 07, 1999 at 20:49:27:
In Reply to: Why IH went out? posted by Mark R. on January 07, 1999 at 15:25:25:
Obviously, some of the comments posted indicate this is a sensitive issue. With all due respect to the gentleman who posed what I perceive as a sincere question, maybe some civil discourse is in order. The book "A Corporate Tragedy" by Barbara Marsh describes IHC history. It is advertised for sale in the latest Antique Power magazine for $29.95 from Binder Books (503-684-2024), or check out your local library. There are numerous other books on this subject, including "150 Years of International Harvester" by C. H. Wendel. Consider subscribing to Red Power magazine which contains numerous articles of interest on the history of International Harvester. Contact Red Power at 712-365-4669. In his preface to "Allis-Chalmers Farm Equipment 1914-1985" published by ASAE, here is what Norm Swinford wrote about that company and its workers, "This book is dedicated to the thousands of hard-working, conscientious, and dedicated people who made Allis-Chalmers the great company it was. Only the cruel realities of economics kept their efforts from having an entirely different outcome. Under even slightly more favorable conditions "Allis-Chalmers Farm Equipment 1914-1985" could have had a much later ending date." Maybe someone could say something similar about the great International Harvester Company, the Minneapolis-Moline Power Implement Co., or the Oliver Farm Equipment Company. Get the point?
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