Remember that even when it's in neutral, the main drive shaft in the transmission is spinning at the same speed as your engine.
So I'd run it just as long as you'd run your engine with no oil.
I'm sure in reality there will be some residual oil left in there on everything, as long as it hasn't been weeks since you drained it. And it'd probably would be fine for a quick trip... But as a friend of mine likes to say "they ain't making any new ones" - so why push it.
If you decide to do it, make sure - as somebody else pointed out - to keep the clutch depresed while idling. Then just pop it out long enough to make that short trip, then kill the engine.
And a final note - you might be surprise how easy it is to push the tractor, even a 400. Just use one of the rear tires for leverage. If you push up on the wheel to turn it, you can single handedly move the tractor pretty easily across flat ground. (have somebody sit on it to stop/steer it of course).
A lot of people don't realize how easy it is to do.
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Today's Featured Article - Identifying Tractor Noises - by Curtis Von Fange. Listening To Your Tractor : Part 3 - In this series we are continuing to learn the fine art of listening to our tractor in hopes of keeping it running longer. One particularly important facet is to hear and identify the particular noises that our
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