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Re: Farmall 400; governor
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Posted by john d. on January 23, 1999 at 07:05:38:
In Reply to: Farmall 400; governor posted by Jerry on January 22, 1999 at 07:09:39:
Don't mess with it unless it's causing problems. Is it refusing to respond under load? "Hunting" or surging at part load? Not running at correct rpm? Knowing the problem will likely make it easier to diagnose and suggest a fix. They're pretty simple to work on if you are careful. Clean off the outside, and open it. Use adequate light to see what's in there, and compare it with the pictures in the manual. Look for obvious signs of wear, broken parts, or build-up of residue. If necessary, flush it with enough spray Gum-Out to clean it so you can see it. (If you clean it this way, be sure to squirt some engine oil on it before closing the cover!) Be advised that some of these old Farmalls (M's, 400's, whatever) do not have original-equipment governors. There were aftermarket kits available that promised more sensitivity, longer life, and more reliability. If you have one of these, you probably won't be able to get any replacement parts.
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