I believe you are asking about the item with the short fast hitch prongs that installs in the tractors fast hitch sockets which is used when installing the C-72 IH blade in the center or belly position between the front and rear tires. The item is called a fast hitch drawbar adapter to which the lifting arm assemblies attach to something rigid at the drawbar. That piece is hard to find if you would be looking for one but there is little demand for one as people who mount the blade in that position most likely already have one. The C-72 blade can also be mounted in front of the tractor which is far more common and it is not used in that case. It requires several other items for the front mount location which are also hard to find if you obtain a blade which had previously been mounted in the center position and some of them most likely missing. I saw one of those adapters on a trailer load of odds and end at a RPRU a few years ago and the person was selling items for basically an offer price even though it had a $95 price marked. As I recall it was still there near the end of the RPRU unsold probably because few people knew what it was and those that did already had one for their C-72's, Hal.
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Today's Featured Article - Identifying Tractor Noises - by Curtis Von Fange. Listening To Your Tractor : Part 3 - In this series we are continuing to learn the fine art of listening to our tractor in hopes of keeping it running longer. One particularly important facet is to hear and identify the particular noises that our
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