I am a model railroader. It appears you have a very neat and clean set up here. And complete and ready to run. I see a few of the boxes have prices on them, I have some of those autos and they are not cheap (10-15). The Bachman engine and cars are "entry level" trains. Maybe $100 for the basic engine and cars plus $5 for each addition , buildings are plastic-%5-10. Add in the details (people, autos,). You have some tools too I see. You have the whole set up for a beginner. Your selling point could be it is like new, never used, complete, clean, ready to run ect. Excelent oportunity for a young fellow to get into the hobby, a father/son interest, or an older fellow who always wanted a train set or to have something for his grand children when they visit. Unfortunatly, most kids today have little interest is stuff like this. ( I have been in the hobby for 40 years, it is sad, it is such a creative hobby). Try selling local or craigs list, you might get what you are asking, but don't hold hold your breath. A lot of work went into that , but it is hard to sell "work". Good luck. Brian(MN)
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Today's Featured Article - Field Modifications (Sins of the Farmer) - by Staff. Picture a new Chevrolet driving down the street without it's grill, right fender and trunk lid. Imagine a crude hole made in the hood to accommodate a new taller air cleaner, the fender wells cut away to make way for larger tires, and half of a sliding glass door used to replace the windshield. Top that off with an old set of '36 Ford headlight shells bolted to the hood. Pretty unlikely for a car... but for a tractor, this is pretty normal. It seems that more often than not they a
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