If your relative spent $3000 on it, usually that means list price, taxes, shipping. I am thinking more in the line of $500 for the whole works, I don't know for sure what is in the boxes. You could sell piece by piece, but I doubt if you would recover the $500, in fact I know you wouldn't, some would sell easy like the autos and people (you might get half price at a flea market), most you'd have to give away. Some people are interested in buying assembled buildings, but then these appear to be Bachmann and aren't worth that much. Yes, watching ebay would give an idea. Don't be surprised if someone offers you a "lowball" offer of $75 for the whole works, all they would do is sell the cream and scrap the rest. Advertise locally , hopefully you can find some young person who would love a ready to use train set with parents who want their child to learn something else than a new video game. Good luck, Brian(MN)
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Today's Featured Article - Field Modifications (Sins of the Farmer) - by Staff. Picture a new Chevrolet driving down the street without it's grill, right fender and trunk lid. Imagine a crude hole made in the hood to accommodate a new taller air cleaner, the fender wells cut away to make way for larger tires, and half of a sliding glass door used to replace the windshield. Top that off with an old set of '36 Ford headlight shells bolted to the hood. Pretty unlikely for a car... but for a tractor, this is pretty normal. It seems that more often than not they a
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