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Posted by John Healey on May 14, 1998 at 18:13:34:
In Reply to: STOP SCRAPERS posted by oldfarmer on May 14, 1998 at 15:19:25:
I agree with you Oldfarmer.Although, here in Maine there is still quite a bit of the old farm machinery around. Once in a while you will see someone scrapping some, but that's going to happen. While you and I look at an old horsedrawn mowing machine as a piece of our heritage, a junkie ( as they are called here) will see it simply as a piece of junk that he can turn into money to feed his family. I know of one junk yard around here where the owner gets quite a lot of old farm machinery brought in , or free to him for picking it up. This guy will not scrap the machinery unless it is so bad that nobody will buy it even at junk price. He gets mowers ,rakes, hay elevators,plows, and so on and offers them for sale at junk price. A good deal all around. And things don't last long there so if it makes you feel any better, people in Maine are for the most part keeping the old equipment . By the way I have saved six mowing machines from the junkyard. One , a working McCormick-Deering Big 6 sits on my front lawn protecting my well pipe. Two or three times a year I hook it to one of my Cubs and head out to mow the ditches of the 2-mile long road I live on. It mows great!! John
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