Re: Allis Chalmers Small Grain Combine
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Posted by Harrell Sellers on May 14, 1998 at 19:43:21:
In Reply to: Allis Chalmers Small Grain Combine posted by Mike Bolton on May 14, 1998 at 07:46:25:
There is quite a collector community specializing in Allis-Chalmers combines (Model 40 up to the sp100). Also, I hate to tell you that you can get a Model 60 All-Crop Harvestor for $100 these days. Just a few years ago, you could still get parts from Allis, but, they cost more than the combine is worth on the open market. Between my friends and me, we must have 200 Allis combines. You might want to check out the Allis-Chalmers Discussion Board - there are several Allis combine experts there. By all means, don't junk it!! I am certain that I could arrange a sale for $100 for you. Best regards, Harrell Sellers
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