Re: Gear oil leak at final drive housing on brake Farmall Cub
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Posted by John Healey on May 18, 1998 at 17:17:52:
In Reply to: Gear oil leak at final drive housing on brake Farmall Cub posted by Chris on May 18, 1998 at 07:25:11:
Chris, More than likely ! The seal is a lip seal though and what usually happens is this. In the final drive casting below the brake drum is a weep or drain hole . This hole gets plugged with hay ,dirt, etc. When the differential seal starts to fail the gear oil runs along the bottom of the extention tube to the weep hole . If the hole is plugged the oil puddles and eventually your brake drum and band material will be soaked in oil . The seal is about $7 , the brake band is about $40. It pays to poke a stick through these holes once of twice a year. John
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