Re: Re:
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Posted by steve vermilya on June 06, 1998 at 17:56:39:
In Reply to: Re: posted by farmer on June 05, 1998 at 06:48:32:
: : In reading the question concerning leaving the fuel valve on sediment bulb open and discovering gas in the crankcase, I have a dumb question, how does the gas leak into the crankcase? : : Granted if the float or needle valve don't seal off completely the gas will flood the carburetor. Since most tractor carbs are downdraft it would appear that the carb would have to fill up, then the intake manifold fill up, then perhaps an open intake valve would fill a cylinder, then perhaps the lighter viscosity gas could leak past the rings and seep into the crankcase. : : Is this what happens or am I missing something? : OK, so your not a moron, and yes, your right in your description of what can happen. Many carbs though have a porous bronze bleed out drain in the bottom. You haven't been standing on your head a lot have you ? I think you will find that most tractor carbs are "up"-draft except for side drafts like Deere. : Have a good one. :)
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