Re: Re: International B275 tractor PTO HP
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Posted by Denny Van Zandt on June 08, 1998 at 04:59:36:
In Reply to: Re: International B275 tractor PTO HP posted by gary on June 06, 1998 at 15:05:45:
: : I recently bought a 1968 International B275 tractor with a 4 cylinder 144 ci diesel motor but am having difficulty finding out what the PTO horsepower is. can anybody help? : According to my copy of the Farm Equipment Guide, the International B 275 had 32.8 hp on the pto. Also, according to the above they where made from '59 to '61. ser. # starts for '59 is 501; '60 is 1720; '61 3415. I have International catalog that shows it delivers 34.06 PTO and 30.94 drawbar horsepower.It also has a Positive Differential Lock,8 Forward Speeds,Constant-Running Pto,"Live" Hydraulic power,and 3-Point Hitch.I have Two of them that I am fixing up to use around my place.
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