Re: Ford's switch to blue
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Posted by RMD on June 08, 1998 at 11:59:14:
In Reply to: Ford's switch to blue posted by Paul on June 06, 1998 at 14:28:40:
There isn't a simple answer. The first blue on domestic Fords were the 800 series sometime in the 1950s -- the engine, tranny, axles, etc on the 800's was blue while the sheet metal was grey (the 600's of the same era were red and grey). There was a move to more blue in 1962. The 1962-64 2000 was mostly blue with grey fenders and wheels. I think the 4000 of the same era was blue except for the fenders, hood and wheels which were white. The 6000 had a couple different paint schemes, all which included blue, but also a lot of grey or white. The English Fordsons also used predominatly blue color schemes. The color scheme presently associated with modern Fords/New Hollands started with the 1965 agricultural models. Industrial versions were blue with yellow sheet metal at first; later were all yellow.
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