Re: Danged litterbugs !!!!!!!!!!
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Posted by Eric Tessmer on June 15, 1998 at 08:39:35:
In Reply to: Danged litterbugs !!!!!!!!!! posted by farmer on June 13, 1998 at 17:23:16:
: Don't you just love the sound of a no-value glass bottle popping under a $400.00 tractor tire. : I'm going to post signs saying "PEOPLE WHO THROW OUT TRASH, ARE TRASH !". : I need a hay wagon for the paper fast food trash. : County sheriff says no to hand grenades. Any other ideas ? I'd have to agree that this type of thing is way out of hand. Last year I drove my Farmall to school for the hell of it and most of the trip was about ten miles on the shoulder of a highway that connects our county seat to a bunch of little unincorporated "bar" towns. Every other minute my heart was sputtering and missing (much like my tractor, the heart has better oil pressure though...) when I saw glass going under the wheels. Luckily neither of the back tires popped, nor either of the front wheels but I was pretty fumed at the world's over population of stupid, ignorant, and disrespectful people. An idea comes to mind, if you DID shoot one of them, you could say that it was in "self defense" because you might have been harmed in the case of a blow out. ;-)
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