I can tell tell you are a New York trooper Bret, you are a human being first, citizen second and you won't let your job cloud your bliefs and reasoning... trouble is, you need to be contagious or reproduce more!! I had NY troopers crawl under trucks and cars with me to tie up a muffler or crimp a brake line... I never saw a Mass 'statie' get out of the cruiser unless there was a citation involved... never mind get wet and dirty! like you guys! The main issue here, the real 'deadly issue'... isn't the outcries of gun confiscation and kindergarden cops.... but a lack of political opposition... which is what I always admired about Canada. Always seemed to be a 49/51 split, the minority keeps an eye on the majority like a hawk, and alway ready for a big nasty fight! Here.... if enough GOP senators and reps go for a carrot... like McHugh did.... there will be a one party ... technically 'facist' state...not state, but most powerfull country in history... that is where the rest of the world needs to realize what the US constition...and line 2 is all about. Whe I wore a county badge, I felt I had to stand up and tell the intimidating speakers what I felt- they always ask for opinions right? And I said 'worked' past tense? All state troopers, local police guardsmen and reservists NEED to speak up in opposition.. like a Canadian politian! and not sit there and stew in silence... that is what the 'opposition' is counting on..... we are in an ancient Chinese curse... 'may you live in interesting times'.... Merry Christmas...
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Today's Featured Article - Third Brush Generators - by Chris Pratt. While I love straightening sheet metal, cleaning, and painting old tractors, I use every excuse to avoid working on the on the electrics. I find the whole process sheer mystery. I have picked up and attempted to read every auto and farm electrics book with no improvement in the situation. They all seem to start with a chapter entitled "Theory of Electricity". After a few paragraphs I usually close the book and go back to banging out dents. A good friend and I were recently discussing our tractor electrical systems when he stated "I figure it all comes back to applying Ohms Law". At this point
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