Re: Another HP Question
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Posted by Paul Fox on June 17, 1998 at 07:53:54:
In Reply to: Another HP Question posted by JerryU on June 17, 1998 at 06:05:58:
: I was reading the posts about HP and I can vaguely remember reading somewhere about equivalent HP between the "real" tractors and the new toys. For example, I have a Ford 9N which is rated somewhere around 25 hp. I also have a Murray toy tractor with a 2 cylinder Briggs that is rate 18 hp. Obviously these are not rated the same way. : Anybody have the correlation? I know the Ford has far more torque, but I thought someone had said the Ford's 25 hp would be about 35% more or 34 hp when stacked up against the Briggs' 18 hp. : JerryU Another thing to remember is gear ratios and weight...My JD 750 is rated at 18 drawbar hp and my JD LX178 lawn tractor is rated at 14 hp...the 750 will do an incredible amount of work, in part because it's heavier (more traction) and geared much lower (more torque to the ground),
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